
BS, SUNY College at Brockport

MS, SUNY University at Buffalo

PhD, University of Cincinnati



(Students underlined)

Zambito, J., García Muro, V., Rubinstein, C., and Weldon, A. (2025) Recognition of global carbon cycle perturbations in the Middle-Late Devonian New Albany Shale, south-central Indiana, U.S.A.: deciphering local versus global influences on δ13CTOC patterns, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 659: 112630,

Haas, L., Ginder-Vogel, M., Zambito, J., Hart, D., and Roden, E. (2024) Microbially‐mediated oxidation of trace element-bearing pyrite in sandstone aquifer sediments, Environmental Science: Advances, 3:833-849, Royal Society of Chemistry,

Baird, G., Zambito, J., and Brett, C. (2023) Tully Formation and pre-Frasnian Genesee Group succession, p. 259-378 In: Devonian of New York, Volume 2: C. A. Ver Straeten, D. J. Over, and D. Woodrow (eds.), Bulletins of American Paleontology, Numbers 405-406: 259-378.

Brett, C., Baird, G., Zambito, J., and Bartholomew, A. (2023) Stratigraphy and Facies of the Middle Devonian (Givetian) Hamilton Group in New York State and Adjacent Areas, p. 1-195, In: Devonian of New York, Volume 2: C. A. Ver Straeten, D. J. Over, and D. Woodrow (eds.), Bulletins of American Paleontology, Numbers 405-406: 1-195.

Rich, A. and Zambito, J. (2022) Insights from fossil fish taphonomy into the depositional environment of the lower Milwaukee Formation (Berthelet Member, latest Middle Devonian), PALAIOS, 37(1):1-15.

Zambito, J., Haas, L., and Parsen, M. (2022) Identifying the source of groundwater contaminants in West-Central Wisconsin, U.S.A.: Geochemical and mineralogical characterization of the Cambrian sandstone aquifer, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology.

Soreghan, G., Beccaletto, L., Benison, K., Bourquin, S., Hamamura, N., Hamilton, M., Heavens, N., Hinnov, L., Huttenlocker, A., Looy, C., Pfeifer, L., Pochat, S., Sardar Abadi, M., Zambito, J., and the 2019 Deep Dust workshop participants (2020) Report on ICDP Deep Dust workshops: Probing Continental Climate of the Late Paleozoic Icehouse-Greenhouse Transition and Beyond, Scientific Drilling, 28:93-112.

Brett, C., Zambito, J., McLaughlin, P., and Emsbo, P. (2020) Revised perspectives on Devonian biozonation and environmental volatility in the wake of recent time-scale revisions, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 549:108843.

Brett, C., Zambito, J., Baird, G., Aboussalam, S., Becker, T., and Bartholomew, A., 2018, Litho-, Bio-, and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Boyle-Portwood Succession (Middle Devonian, Central Kentucky, U.S.A.), Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 98(2): 331-368,

Zambito, J., M. Joachimski, C. Brett, G. Baird, and Aboussalam, S., 2016, A carbonate carbon isotopic record for the late Givetian (Middle Devonian) Global Taghanic Biocrisis in the type region (northern Appalachian Basin), In Becker, R. T., Königshof, P. & Brett, C. E. (eds.) Devonian Climate, Sea Level and Evolutionary Events. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 423: 223-233,

Benison, K., Zambito, J., and Knapp, J., 2015, Contrasting siliciclastic-evaporite strata in subsurface and outcrop: an example from the Permian Nippewalla Group of Kansas, U.S.A, Journal of Sedimentary Research 85: 626-645.

Zambito, J. and Benison, K., 2013, Extreme High Temperatures and Paleoclimate Trends Recorded in Permian Ephemeral Lake Halite, Geology 41(5): 587-590.

Zambito, J. and Schemm-Gregory, M., 2013, Revised Taxonomy and Autoecology for the Brachiopod Genus Ambocoelia in the Middle and Late Devonian Northern Appalachian Basin (USA), Journal of Paleontology 87(2): 277-288.

Jay Zambito

Associate Professor of Geology
Department Chair for Geology
Director of School of Environment & Sustainability

 Pronouns: he/him/his  Email:  Phone: 608-363-2223  Office: Room 434, Sanger Center for the Sciences

The courses that I teach at Beloit are directly related to my research interests, which means students in my classes get to take lots of field trips. These courses include include Earth’s Climate: Past and Future, Evolution of the Earth, and Paleontology. I incorporate multi-week projects into my courses to provide hands-on, critical-thinking activities that reinforce lecture material. I also strive for an inclusive classroom and I view our differences as strengths and believe that we can all learn from each other.

My research interests include paleoclimatology, paleontology, and environmental science. These interests lead me to study a variety of questions like: How did climate change cause extinctions in Earth’s past? and, What are the potential environmental impacts related to mining? Since these research interests are multi-disciplinary, I spent time in the field collecting fossils and rock samples as well as the lab studying those fossils and conducting geochemical analysis; you can find more info on my lab group at the Beloit Paleo Lab website.

I spend my free time gardening, cooking, and with family. I make pizza from scratch almost every weekend, and have recently started bottling hot sauce with the different peppers that I grow in my garden.

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